Dino Rap
Author : James MellonIllustrator : Matt HoworthAge : 3 - 6 years'Now here is a story,From a prehistoric time,
Before man was created,
And Mum knew how to rhyme.'
Bop along with this prehistoric rap battle in this fun and interactive book!Release date : 18th October 2019
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : James MellonJames left his corporate 9 to 5 job in search of a better life. A life more suited to the mind of a creative genius, a life that allows his mind and creativity to flow freely. His passion for music and his desire to use his music and rhymes to connect with his little boy has motivated and driven Ja...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Matt HoworthMatt Howorth is a freelance British illustrator, specialising in character design for animation and children’s illustration. He graduated in 2015 with a First-Class Honours Degree in Illustration and Graphic Design. He has worked on multiple animation projects, including movies and cartoon TV ...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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