Molly, Mop and Moppet's Adventures in Paris

Author : A.G. KrishnanIllustrator : Valery VellAge : 3 - 8 yearsJoin Molly, Mop and Moppet as they explore the magical streets of Paris!
While searching for a Parisian family treasure, they learn all about the city's rich history, meet famous Parisians and enjoy magnificent French cuisines.
Keep an eye out for Molly, Mop and Moppet's next global adventure in this imaginative children's travel guide series.
Release date : 1st July 2019
HardbackISBN : 978-1-925839-29-6$24.95ADD TO BASKET
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About the Author and Illustrator

Author : A.G. KrishnanA.G. Krishnan is a first-time Melbourne-based author. Having worked for the United Nations, World Bank and International Non-Governmental Organisations in various countries, she recently took to writing a travel adventure series for young children. Molly, Mop and Moppet's Adventures in Paris is her ...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Valery VellValery is an animator born in Poland, who spent most of her time in Russia, before moving to Indonesia. She enjoys drawing sweet and tender moments, especially in children's illustrations. Through her artwork, she wishes to draw attention to the good moments in life: joy, love, care, friendship, loy...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR

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