Illustrator Amy Calautti

Amy has loved to draw from a young age and often made up games based around drawing to entertain her younger brother and cousins. Her artistic talent was noticed and then accepted into fashion and textile design in high school and later at TAFE. When she became a mother, she fell in love with picture book illustration, and realised what her true potential could be. Amy and has developed a few distinct styles and is always playing with new techniques to expand her repertoire. When Amy’s not doing her favourite thing (illustrating picture books) she’s badly roller skating, or attempting a handstand while her kids whizz around her at great speed.

Books by Amy Calautti

Savvy SantaFrom $16.95Hardback Paperback 
Iris $14.95Paperback 
Content Managed by Little Steps Publishing - Illustrations by Celeste Vlok - Website Crafted by Scaws