Author Fred Strassberg

Fred is into his ninth decade, a father of three and grandfather of four, lives in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney with his wife, Catherine, and his dog, Zara, a stumpy-tailed English Pointer. When not playing golf, Fred writes stories about spiders, elephants and his favourite person, Mr Santa Claus. Fred has believed in the Claus family ever since he received his first Christmas gift, a puppy dog by the name of Margaret Peggy O’Neil. In fact, all his children, grandchildren, wife and the dog believe in Santa Claus. Fred also believes in lefthanded chalk, that the world is flat and round, and the country that controls gravity, controls the world. Fred follows the Sydney Swans and goes to all home games to cheer on the team. Find him on Twitter @squirefred1 and Facebook @FredtheAuthor.

Books by Fred Strassberg

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