Author Robyn Press

Growing up in rural Australia, surrounded by a family of poets and writers who liked to laugh a lot, Robyn Press began writing poetry and humorous stories from an early age. Now a grown-up but still young at heart, Robyn has spent more than twenty years as a primary teacher, engaging little people all around the world through storytelling and inspiring them to love books. Her biggest fans are her husband, three daughters and her fluffy pup named Barney. When she isn’t writing or teaching in her hometown of Brisbane, Robyn loves drinking good coffee, running a long way early in the mornings, and will find any excuse to wear fancy dress (often in the classroom). Her website is and you can find her on Instagram @goldilocksauthor and Facebook @goldilocksauthor.

Books by Robyn Press

Goldilocks $17.99Paperback 
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