Author and Illustrator Wendy Mckay-Taylor

For Wendy McKay-Taylor, there are not enough hours in the day. Sometimes teacher, sometimes farmer, writer and artist, horse and dog trainer, Wendy travels across the states of Victoria and South Australia, honing her skills whilst working with her dogs across sheep stations. Defending her home in rural Victoria from feral bees, mosquitoes, snakes and invasions of mice (and keeping her garden alive in the face of long periods of dry weather) leaves her with a constant source of inspiration! Wendy has published works across a variety of genres and exhibited her paintings and drawings in Victoria and Tasmania. Wendy paints large canvasses in oils, draws in graphite pencil and pen and illustrates smaller works in gouache. Her family is spread far and wide but always in her thoughts, and her dogs and the adventures they share are the inspiration for her next story. Mouse Mayhem is her first picture book.

Books by Wendy Mckay-Taylor

Content Managed by Little Steps Publishing - Illustrations by Celeste Vlok - Website Crafted by Scaws