Heather Feather
Author : Diana Wilson Illustrator : Jessica FreemanAge : 8 - 12 yearsHeather Feather is a baby emperor penguin from Antarctica.She sets off in this environmentally-concerned information story, all the way around Australia.
Join her and learn about the coastal cities and animals she sees, as well as the degradation of habitat, and pollution, that really gets her goat.Release date : 1st December 2016
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Diana Wilson Diana was born in Collarenebri, NSW, on a large sheep and wheat station. She went to boarding school at PLC Pymble from the age of ten. After leaving school she did Mothercraft Nursing, and then travelled to USA and Canada. In 1980 she started work as a receptionist for Vita Glow, a subsidiary of Bl...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Jessica FreemanJess is an illustrator and designer from Sydney, Australia. She works across a range of mediums combining traditional and digital methods. After studying fine arts and arts management, Jess worked in freelance graphic design and ran a handmade business for a number of years, then switched her foc...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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