In Search of Goonoobee
Author : Pat ClarkeIllustrator : Graeme ComptonClare and Alex are sad at leaving their old home in QLD to live on a property in the Goonoo Forest. However, the spectacular display of fairy lights on their arrival alerts them to the fact that their new home is not what they expected. The children are soon drawn into the mystical world of the forest and meet some of the amazing creatures from Grandma’s tales.Release date : 1st January 2023About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Pat ClarkePat has always loved stories, as a child she enjoyed reading the works of Enid Blyton and telling original tales of her own too. Pat's desire to share her love of the Australian bush resulted in her embarking on a second career as a writer, penning her first book The Magic Forest of Goonoo. The succ...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Graeme ComptonGraeme is a visual artist and illustrator. He has loved drawing since childhood. He works from home and has a busy practice, completing commissions for portraiture and illustrations for children’s books. Graeme’s subjects and styles are broad, from fierce beasties to happy humans, render...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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